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Sexual Health: The Importance of Counselling for Sexuality
Sexual Health Counselling

Sexual Health: The Importance of Counselling for Sexuality

Sexuality can be a confusing and sensitive subject. This notion is especially true when you feel you have no one to confide in. The Family Psychology Place offers sexuality counselling services in a safe environment. So if you’re struggling with sexual turmoil and feel you need a supportive space and a sympathetic ear, we can help.

Whether you have become anxious about sex, lost your interest in it, or are worried about other sexual concerns, our trained and qualified psychologists are here for you. Keep reading to learn more.

Sexual Health Counselling Benefits

A healthy sex life is important. It improves self-confidence, happiness, and your overall sense of well-being. For these reasons, it’s essential to properly manage this aspect of your life if things are imbalanced. Sexuality counselling can help you restore that balance and gain confidence in your sexuality.

Here are some benefits you may experience:

  • Sexual fulfillment
  • Decreased sexual performance anxiety
  • Reduction in stress
  • Improved sleep
  • Better mental health
  • Stronger immune system
  • Lower blood pressure

The Family Psychology Place provides a safe space free of judgment and criticism. As a result, you will feel comfortable alongside our experienced psychologists as they work to support you in your sexual health counselling.

Other Services

A happy, healthy, and productive life is a byproduct of the right support system. For this reason, The Family Psychology Place offers numerous counselling services to help you reclaim your life. View our services below to see which ones are most appropriate for you.


A common affliction, anxiety is a widespread issue. Everyone experiences anxiety to some degree or another. However, if you experience it more intensely than the average person, that may be indicative of your need for anxiety counselling.


If you constantly feel as if a dark shadow of negativity is stalking you, depression may be to blame. Here are some signs of depression you should be aware of:

  • Weight loss
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Sense of hopelessness, low self-worth, poor self-esteem, and pessimism
  • Grouchiness
  • Getting upset and crying easily

Grief and Loss

Grief and loss are painful emotions. They are typically the result of intense life experiences such as war, divorce, robbery or mugging, etc. If you’re trying to cope with grief and loss, our experienced psychologists can help.


Similar to grief and loss, trauma comes from intense emotional experiences. It could be the ending of a relationship, a job loss, or a major life event that changes everything that you once held dear. Some of the effects of a traumatic experience are as follows:

  1. Social withdrawal
  2. Irregular sleeping patterns
  3. Depression or anxiety
  4. Poor self-esteem
  5. Night terrors of the traumatic experience

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is described as the compulsive need to repeat certain actions until you feel satisfied. This compulsive behaviour can affect your quality of life, hindering your ability to live normally.

Here are a few signs of OCD:

  • Overly concerned with illnesses and contaminations
  • Compulsive obsession with perfection
  • Fear of harming oneself or others
  • Obsessively washing and cleaning
  • Strong need to repeatedly check things

Next Step: Consider Sexual Health Counselling

Your sexual health is connected to your overall health. And by gaining confidence in this area, you give yourself permission to do the same in other areas. And at The Family Psychology Place, we want to help you start that process. So contact us today to build your confidence and reclaim your sexual health.