Registered Psychologist
North & South Location
View TeamDr. Keoma Thorne is a registered psychologist with a PhD in School and Applied Psychology. She brings years of clinical, research, and teaching experience to The Family Psychology Place. She has expertise in working with preschoolers, children, youth, and young adults and their families from diverse backgrounds. Specializing in assessment and treatment, Keoma works in the areas of: literacy, learning disabilities, giftedness, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, mood, ADHD, social skills, emotion- and self-regulation, organization, sleep, behaviour, and vocation. Using an evidence-based approach, Keoma delivers assessment and treatment that is comprehensive and multidisciplinary, when warranted.
She is trained in the gold-standard assessment tools for autism spectrum disorder. She also has a background in school-based assessment, consultation, and intervention, and as such, has a unique perspective to offer children, youth, and their families seeking support for academic and school difficulties.
Keoma has a reputation for being able to work well with children and adults presenting with unique challenges. Her warm, welcoming, and supportive nature helps her connect with almost whoever walks through the door. Keoma works on a team with families, using a strength-based approach to address the concerns and to develop collaborative, creative approaches tailored to the needs of the client. Keoma frequently gives talks and leads workshops in the community on topics like developing early literacy skills, parenting, childhood anxiety, and autism spectrum disorder. She is also an instructor at the University of Calgary in their School and Applied Psychology program.