Brain Health

Purple Thursday – October 19th, 2023

Purple Thursday on October 19th is a day to raise awareness regarding the intersection between brain injury and intimate partner violence with the goal to eliminate it. Understanding Brain Injury Caused by Intimate Partner Violence Intimate partner violence (IPV) can include many types of harm such as physical, sexual or psychological...

Family Therapy in Calgary

Prevent Relationship Separation: The Advantages of Family Therapy in Calgary

Relationships are unique; few things are more enduring than a family bond. It can bring joy, growth, and restoration to your life. However, relationships can also be complicated, full of challenges, and overwhelming to navigate. If you’re struggling to find stability with your significant other, we at Family Psychology...

Counselling for Depression

How to Know When You Need Counselling for Depression

Depression is a severe condition. It can impact your sleep, appetite, and overall mental and physical health. For these reasons, knowing when to seek counselling for depression in Calgary is essential. The Family Psychology Place is the largest private psychology clinic in Western Canada. Our team is comprised of qualified...

Emotional Regulation

4 Simple Treatment Methods for Emotional Regulation in Calgary

Do you experience emotional outbursts? Is managing your anger, frustration, and other emotional blowups difficult? If so, you may benefit from counselling for emotional regulation in Calgary. When we’re young, emotional outbursts are a little more permissible (to an extent). However, the same behaviour becomes increasingly inappropriate the more...