Starting February 17, 2025 our new rate will be $250.00 | Contact us



Are you trying to understand your or your child’s behaviour? A behavioural assessment might be ideal for you. Behavioural assessments allow you to uncover the reasons why you act and think in a certain way. Perhaps your behaviour is disruptive to your life and relationships, and you need help. Our psychologists can help you understand and find ways to overcome troubling behaviour.

Negative behaviour affects your work, home, school, and play life. How you act affects everyone around you, so our goal is to help you create positive behaviour patterns to cultivate a balanced life.

Adult Behavioural Assessment Services Child Behavioural Assessment Services

Behavioural assessments can help determine the presence of disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Children and youth often show signs of behavioural disorders by engaging in defiant and/or risk-taking behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, using drugs, or having sex at an early age. Signs of behavioural disorders in adults include being unable to hold down a job or maintain relationships.

Individual and/or family therapy helps manage behavioural disorders. Our psychologists at The Family Psychology Place open up communication between you and others and allow you to get on the road to managing your reactions and behaviors.