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Immigration Assessments

Immigration Assessments

Have you recently immigrated to Canada? Are you hoping to make your new city your permanent home? The Family Psychology Place can help assist you with the forms and assessments required as a recent immigrant to the country. How? Our psychologists can perform an immigration assessment.

What is an immigration assessment? A psychological assessment that helps determine whether you should be and can lawfully stay in the place you immigrated to.

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What are some things you can expect to happen during this type of assessment? In-depth interviews with you to determine your immigration situation. Possible questions may arise concerning your physical and mental well-being. You may also be required to provide a character reference from someone currently living in Canada who knows you well. We might also have you complete a psychological questionnaire to evaluate any depression, anxiety, personality or post-traumatic stress disorders. If the possibility of deportation is causing emotional distress, our psychologists will identify any issue pertaining to your psychological well-being. This information might help the court allow you to remain in your new country due to health reasons.

Our psychologists have experience dealing with many different cultures and can help guide you through the immigration assessment process. Providing you with a better life is our goal. Come in to speak with one of us today so we can advise you on the most positive ways to achieve your desire to live in Canada.