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Emotional Regulation, Anger Management, Stress Management

Emotional Regulation, Anger Management, Stress Management

We all feel overwhelmed sometimes and our emotions get the best of us but if this is a common occurrence for you and one that is taking over your life, it’s time you get help.

counselling depression image

First off, what is emotional regulation? Also known as self-regulation, this is the way we deal with big feelings.

There are many types of huge emotions such as anxiety, a low mood, anger, and stress. We are going to focus on talking about the 2 common emotions that many people deal with. If your emotion is not covered, feel free to come into The Family Psychology Place for insight into your particular issue and get the help you need.

Anger Management

Are you unable to control your anger and feel it can come on without cause? Anger management can help you.

What is anger management? A psychotherapeutic program that teaches you how to prevent and regulate your feelings of anger.

What are some symptoms that your anger is out of control?

  • Anger eruptions that scare the ones you love
  • Flashes of extreme anger
  • Inability to listen when angry

Here are some ways we can help you through anger management:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Proven to be one of the most effective treatments in anger management, your therapist will help you uncover why you are feeling and acting a certain way and lead you to the skills it takes to change your reaction from negative to positive.
  • Behaviour Therapy: Looking at the problem under the assumption that you are a product of your sociocultural conditioning and environment, we help you create new learning conditions to impact your issue.
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT): Your psychologists works with you to improve interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, distress, awareness and mindfulness while taking into consideration that your psychological arousal fluctuates and increases more quickly than others.

Clinical depression can be caused by many things, including:

  • Family history of depression
  • Major stress
  • Imbalance in brain chemistry and immune system

Along with counselling, you can implement many lifestyle changes to treat your depression. These include exercise, healthy eating, keeping in regular contact with your family and friends, and sleep hygiene.

Some signs of depression:

  • Sleep problems
  • Change in appetite and weight
  • Irritability
  • Loss of interest in people, work, hobbies, and sex
  • Feeling useless, hopeless, pessimistic, excessively guilty, or having low self-esteem
  • Difficulty remembering, concentrating, or making decisions
  • Crying easily or feeling like crying but not being able to
  • A loss of touch with reality through hearing voices or having strange ideas

Stress Management

What is stress management? Psychotherapy aimed at improving your life by helping you find ways to control your stress levels.

Stress can be caused by many reasons. What are some of these reasons?

  • Worry about your job status
  • Fear of losing your family
  • Nervous about moving to a new house

Often, our emotions about certain situations can cause undue stress on ourselves by our constant thinking about certain things over and over. Our bodies react to our stress in ways such as headaches, anxiety, sleeping too much or too little, and feeling lonely. Therapy at The Family Psychology Place can help.


  • Mindfulness: Our therapists will interrupt your thoughts and automatic body processes to show you they are related. We help you see that these thoughts can become your reality and teach you to disengage from negative thought patterns.
  • Solution-Focused Therapy: We go through a list of questions with you, focus on your answers, and help you see that you can change and provide yourself with a solution to the problem.
  • Reality Therapy: Reality therapy allows you to see that you are accountable for your thoughts and actions. We support you to find the strength you need so you can evaluate your behaviour and behave in a changed, positive way.

Signs your child needs emotional regulation counselling:

  • Threatens to hurt or damage other people’s things
  • Gets into arguments often with you, teachers, or classmates and friends
  • Holds in emotions

As an adult, if you have emotional regulation problems that need counselling, you might be depressed and unstable. Though adults often regulate their emotions more than children, each of us needs the strength within us to act positively.

Discover how to live without losing control of your emotions and letting them take over who you are.