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Life Skills

Life Skills

Life is constantly changing and there might be challenges or crises that need to be overcome. This can sometimes be all too overwhelming, causing you to be at a loss for how to cope. Our psychologists at The Family Psychology Place help you gain the life skills you need to work through this unpredictability that is life.

Don’t feel ashamed or scared to get help, sometimes we all need a little direction. What are you having a hard time with? Do you feel angry about the loss of a job? Are you extremely anxious about moving to a new city? No matter what your situation is, we want to help you.

counselling depression image

What are some other events that happen in your life that you need help dealing with?

  • Divorce
  • Coming out
  • Pregnancy
  • Children growing up and moving out
  • Changes in your health
  • Graduation
  • Loss of a loved one

How can we help you gather the life skills you need to live a healthy, happy life?

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): A discussion of your problems and goals while helping you understand how you react in certain situations. Understanding your reactions allows you to gain the skills to change how you think and feel thereby giving you the tools to react healthily.
  • Mindfulness Therapy: A form of therapy that allows you to use meditative techniques so you can feel present and mentally stable, assisting you to overcome your mental instability.
  • Solution Focused Therapy: Therapy that focuses on the solution in a goal-oriented manner. You will find the tools needed to manage your negative symptoms and create a positive change in your life.

Children might feel defeated when given challenges or facing changes in life. As an adult, you can help guide your child to learn ways to deal with certain life situations such as changing schools. It might help to let your child know that you, too, can sometimes feel unsure of how to act. Let them know they have the strength within them to make a positive impact. Children develop life skills as they grow so it is important that you guide them and provide them with the tools they need along the way.

Adults sometimes need a little extra push to reinforce the know-how to overcome life obstacles and changes. Of course, some of us need help gathering the skills to cope as we may be underdeveloped and exhibit frustration over life moving in different directions. Either way, The Family Psychology Place has the therapists to help you climb life’s many mountains.

You can take on whatever life brings you, you may just need a little help to get there. Call us to start climbing your mountain today.