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Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders

What is a personality disorder? A mental disorder that makes it difficult for you to relate to other people and situations due to unhealthy thinking, functioning, and behaviour patterns.

If you or your child has a personality disorder it can be problematic to navigate through life. Children have physical and psychological needs that have to be met. When there is a disconnection in communication patterns, parenting can falter. A personality disorder creates a “push-pull” form of communication between the child and parent. The intended message gets lost because of the failure to form a fluid, open communication style. Personality disorders open you to feelings of rejection and criticism which affects the relationship between you and your child.

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Our psychologists can help you find a way to keep your personality disorder under control so you can gain the skills to parent your child in a positive light. We relate how you feel with how your child feels. Therapy helps you focus on discovering a nurturing way to communicate and interact with your child.