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Relationships immensely impact your life. The connections you make affect your whole being from emotions to work ethic. If you are struggling in a relationship, you can feel distracted, sad, and even trapped. These feelings create anxiety and can lead to disruptions in your personal and professional life. You can get out of unhealthy and negative relationship patterns to live an emotionally healthy life.

Who is relationship therapy for? Anyone who is having a difficult time in their relationship or someone who has bad relationship patterns can benefit from relationship therapy. You may be struggling to communicate with your life partner or continuously find yourself in relationships that make you unhappy.

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What kind of relationships can be treated by this type of therapy? Struggles between family members, significant others and various sorts of personal bonds will improve through therapy.

The Family Psychology Place is a safe space for you and your significant other to come to talk out your concerns. Our psychologist will support and guide you along the way to a harmonious connection. Communication is key to finding a healthy solution. If you need help discovering

why you have difficulties in relationships, our therapists can get you to understand the core of the issue. You will learn to change negativity into positivity and build healthy, happy relationships.

Ask yourself if your relationships have any of the following problems:

  • Endless arguments that are unresolved
  • Feelings of being blamed, put down or criticized
  • Difficulty trusting your partner or having relationships where your significant other is unfaithful
  • Experience of emotional, sexual, or physical abuse

There is no room for abuse in your relationship. You can be happy; you need to love and care for yourself so you can find someone that equally loves and cares for you. There are many ways to treat relationship issues. Here are some.

  • Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT): An empirically-based therapy where we help you understand how your actions impact others and how your emotions are a driving force in your interactions. You learn to honour your feelings, expressing them in a way that brings others closer rather than engaging in pushing them away.
  • Gottman’s Couples TherapyA therapy that teaches you how to become better friends, support one another’s dreams and goals for the future, and manage conflict.
  • Gottman’s Relationship Checkup: A questionnaire that asks you 480 questions about intimacy, friendship, emotions, values, trust, conflict, parenting, finances, housework, and other such things like individual areas of concern. Your therapist will go over your answers and provide specific treatment and feedback based on your answers.

If you are unable to connect with your child, you may notice they refrain from communicating with you due to your inability to relate to them. Your child might show anger toward you if you are going through a divorce with their mother/father. Children often become confused in situations like these and need help expressing how they truly feel. Our therapists can find a way for emotion to be released so a healthy connection can be found.

As an adult, you may often blame yourself for issues that occur in your relationships but you must understand that it is not your fault. You can get through anything, maybe you just need a little help from us along the way.

Smile! You are loved and will feel loved, you just need help to uncover the path to get there. You deserve to experience positive emotions in all your relationships.